$149.99 USD

Storytelling Breakdown Webinar Saturday March 9 at 11:00 AM EST

I take you step by step, bit by bit, through one of my very own Moth GrandSLAM winning stories, showing you how I make the decisions, moment by moment, that lead to a championship-winning story.

This live 1-Hour virtual workshop will teach you how to...

  • Instantly engage an audience’s attention
  • Maintain an audience’s attention and focus throughout a story
  • Use stakes, suspense, surprise, and humor to keep your audience in a perpetual state of wonder
  • Choose the right chronology for your story
  • Deploy the most effective transitions for your story
  • Effectively use backstory to provide context
  • Say enough but not too much

We’ll do all of this and more by watching one of my stories and discussing what I was thinking every step of the way.