The storyworthy Learning Zone

The best available resources to improve your storytelling skills.

Why No One Is Listening to You (And How Storytelling Can Fix It) storytelling for business storytelling tips

I’m sitting in an uncomfortable seat in a darkened auditorium. Onstage, a man is talking about his company. He’s the CEO, and today, he’s rolling out a new initiative. He’s...

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25 Things: The Stories You Didn't Know You Had stories storytelling tips

Years ago, my friend Kate sent me a message entitled “25 Things” via Facebook. It included a list of 25 random facts about her and a request for me to reciprocate.
I suspect it was a...

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Four Brand-New Storytelling Webinars storytelling for business storytelling tips

Hey everybody,

I have some exciting news for you!

For the entire month of May, we're offering four brand-new webinars, each one dealing with a different topic but ultimately designed to help you...

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The 5 Big Whys of Storytelling storytelling tips

Storytelling is the SUPERPOWER you didn’t know you had. When you tell the right stories well, the benefits are limitless and exponential.

I'm going to give you five reasons why you should be...

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3 Strategies to vary the length of any story storytelling for business storytelling tips

While speaking to business leaders in Victoria, Canada, I told a seven-minute story about a spoon. I used the story to illustrate several points and highlight strategies that I frequently use in...

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Keep things simple. Assume nothing. newsletters storytelling tips

A simple but important thought:

Keep things simple. Assume nothing.

My friend is preparing to tell a story in which one of her friends experiences an ectopic pregnancy. I’ve heard of this...

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You're grinding the story to a halt! How to avoid boring your audience storytelling for business storytelling tips

Travel should never simply be travel.

So often I hear a storyteller say:

“So I get into the car and drive the 12 miles to Joan’s house. When I arrive, I walk up to the door and ring the...

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Start with a Moment of Meaning storytelling tips

In medias res: (Latin) the practice of beginning an epic or other narrative by plunging into a crucial situation that is part of a related chain of events; the situation is an extension of previous...

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You Have Choice When You Begin a Story storytelling tips

You can establish characters and setting or you can establish wonder, suspense, intrigue, and/or humor.

What do you think is better?

So often I hear storytellers begin their stories with...

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Finding Inspiration for Stories storytelling tips

Taking a lesson from my friend, Bengi, I spent this week going through old photos and finding some new stories.

Ever since Bengi has begun digitizing and sending me photos from our teenage days...

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Careful not to ruin your endings it steals the joy from a story newsletters storytelling for business storytelling tips

I was listening to a very well told story last week about a woman struggling with infertility. It was heartfelt, humorous, cleverly constructed, and well framed.

Outstanding in every way except...

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Jello, Diet Coke, and a Reminder About Being Different newsletters stories storytelling tips

The best gift that I received, and the one that can teach us all something important was this:

A can of my favorite beverage - Diet Coke - encased in jello.

The best thing about this gift:


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