Direct but funny is the perfect combination

storytelling for business storytelling tips

I spotted this sign at the wedding of my former student, sitting atop the bar.

I love it so much.

Designed by the same couple who advised guests to respond to their wedding invitation by a certain date or plan to bring a chair and a sandwich, this is the perfect demonstration of sending a message in a way that is creative, amusing, and direct.

They sent a clear message to their guests while also providing the guests who didn’t need this reminder with a bit of amusement.


It’s also a signal that they aren’t taking their wedding day too seriously. These are people who want to have fun on their big day.

I also love the design of the sign, the choices of fonts, and of course, the use of the word “shenanigans.”

Choosing an infrequently used word highlights your message and makes it more memorable.

I feel the same way about the words rumpus, obstreperous, caterwaul, bacchanalian, ballyhoo, opprobrium, and higgledy-piggledy.

I could go on.

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